Mongoliet VPN - Gratis platform af UrbanVPN


  • Trygt, anonymt og sikkert
  • Forbind med flere enheder
  • Surf frit og ubemærket på internettet
  • Vælg en IP fra en geografisk placering efter eget valg
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Som UrbanVPN-bruger i Mongoliet vil du nyde godt af


til at browse hvor som helst

Offentligt WiFi

Få adgang til alle apps og forbliv anonym, mens du surfer på internettet i Mongoliet

Surf på internettet i total frihed uden at være bange for at blive blokeret eller opdaget med vores Mongoliet VPN. Urban VPN har servere over hele verden, hvilket garanterer dig en lynhurtig forbindelse og tusindvis af IP'er at vælge imellem, så du nemt kan passe dine forretninger anonymt og sikkert i Mongoliet.

Hvordan vores Mongoliet VPN beskytter din internetfrihed & privatliv

Mongolia is one of the largest and most sparsely populated sovereign state in the world, with mostly nomadic population. Internet infrastructures in Mongolia were established back in 1995, however only around 20 percent of the population currently has internet access. Indeed, the internet has yet to make a significant impact in the country. However, online activity has been growing, especially social media platforms and online news outlets like newspapers, magazines and advertising.

Internet access is not restricted by the Mongolian government, and the Mongolian Constitution prohibits state interference with privacy or correspondence. The Communications Regulatory Commission (CRC) is the major telecommunications authority, although there are no official government restrictions on Internet access and activity.

Beskyt dit privatliv
med Urban VPN

Download Urban VPN for at nyde fuldkommen online-sikkerhed og -privatliv, mens din IP-adresse skjules.

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